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Apertura: Elaine Thompson/Associated Press


Apertura: STEVE GSCHMEISSNER/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY; 2.5: Adaptado de Alberts B. Essential Cell Biology. Routledge/Taylor & Francis; 1998; 2.6: Reimpreso de Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 26(10), Ellis RJ. Macromolecular crowding: obvious but underappreciated: 597–604, copyright 2001, con permiso de Elsevier; 2.8: Adaptado de Prescott, et al. Microbiology 4e. Copyright 1999 by the McGraw-Hill Companies; 2.9: Adaptado de Prescott, et al. Microbiology 4/e. Copyright 1999 by the McGraw-Hill Companies. Reimpreso con permiso de Springer-Verlag Germany; 2.12: Adaptado de 4/e Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, Campbell & Reece. Biology. 7th ed. 2005:127, Fig. 7.7; 2.13: Courtesy of Audrey M. Glauert and GMW Cook. University of Cambridge; 2.24b: Don W. Fawcett/Science Source; 2.26a: JENNIFER WATERS/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY; 2.26b: Photo Researchers/Science Source; 2.26c: ALVIN TELSER/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY; 2.27b y c: Adaptado de Hardin J, et al. Becker’s World of the Cell; 2.28: Donald EI. Cellular Tensegrity: Defining New Rules of Biological Design that Govern the Cytoskelteton J. Cell Science. 1993;104:613–627, Fig. 2; 2A: Adaptado de Cooper GM, Hausman RE. The Cell: A Molecular Approach. Sinauer; 1997; 2B: Adaptado de David N, Cox M. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. Copyright 2000, 1993, 1982 by Worth Publishers


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Apertura: Elana Erasmus; 4.1: Louise Gubb/ Getty


Apertura: Maslov Max/iStock; 5.14: Adaptado de Molecules of Life. Purdue University; 5.16: Adaptado de Brandon C, Tooze J. Intro to Protein Structure. 2nd ed. 1999. Garland 3.14.44; 5.18b: Adaptado de Garrett and Grisham. Biochemistry.Brooks Cole; 1996; 5.19c: Adaptado de Brandon C, Tooze J. Intro to Protein Structure. 2nd ed. 1999:68, Garland Fig. 5.3; 5.19d: Adaptado de Brandon C, Tooze J. Intro to Protein Structure. 2nd ed.; 1999:58, Garland Fig. 4.14c; 5.19e: Adaptado de Brandon C, Tooze J. Intro to Protein Structure. 2nd ed. 1999:176, Garland Fig. 10.1; 5.20a: Adaptado de Annual Review of Biochemistry. 1976;45; 5.20c: Adaptado Brandon C, Tooze J. Introduction to Protein Structure, copyright 1999. Reproducido con permiso de Routledge Inc., part of Taylor and Francis Group; 5.20d: Adaptado Brandon C, Tooze J. Introduction to Protein Structure, copyright 1999. Reproducido con permiso de Routledge Inc., part of Taylor and Francis Group; 5.20e: Adaptado Brandon C, Tooze J. Introduction to Protein Structure, copyright 1999. Reproducido con permiso de Routledge Inc., part of Taylor and Francis Group; 5.21: Adaptado de Campbell LD, Downing AK. NMR of Modular ...

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